Spring is Here Once Again

 It has again been a while since I wrote a post. I know for years I wrote about Snow, and I love Snow, and will continue to tell you my thoughts and feelings about him. I wanted to update and share that this man has been an incredible boyfriend to me. Of course I still have my quarrels and "beefs" about certain things, and so does he, but we are a great pair. We will have been together for a year already, officially as a couple, on the 30th. (I set it to that day because that is the day we went and saw the Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent in theatres for an early screening.) We have been so great and I am excited for what's to come for us.

In other news, I am so close to getting my bachelors degree, and I realize that I shouldn't care that I am receiving it a little late in life because I have met people who are still working on it and are even older than me. There is no shame. 

I have met a lot of wonderful people at my university, and amazing writers. I sometimes get so discouraged because there are such talented writers in that school, and you realize that if they have the same goals as you, you are either in competition with them OR you ban together to all be successful. Not everyone can be number one. 

I have been working diligently (meaning procrastinating and writers block) on my book. I can not wait to finish it and try to send it off to get published. It has taken me so long. I want to be more involved in the writing community so much. I want to try to get an online writing job for ADR, but we will see how long it'll take me. 

It always feels good to check in on here. I hope YOU are doing well, and don't be scared to reach out. 

With love and thanks for supporting this blog! 


  1. I’m so proud of you and the woman you have become. You have accomplished so much and overcome every obstacle that has been in your way. Keep going, you got this!

  2. It has helped me as a writer to understand books - all books, that ever were, never were and ever will be - are already written in a metaphysical sense and, as Stephen King says, “a writer unearths them.”
    It’ll aid your process to take a deep breath and feel the joy that your manuscript is completed and what you are doing now is Illuminating the words with your keyboard. Also, try writing without an outline, just let your mind run wild. You’ll be surprised by what it comes up with! And have you ever tried a retreat somewhere? Can’t wait to read it!!!


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